Dearly Beloved Women

From the core of my heart with love and respect I wish to honor all women for being an amazing blessing to us all. I love you, Jose Dearly Beloved Women, Blessed are you among divine beings of light Holder of the flame of life Gateway and holy grail to the sacred soul Bask in […]

It’s all about True Love

I lovingly share his peaceful message. His energy felt sweet, child like and at the same time angelic. He was very humbled and spoke with conviction. Enjoy, Jose 1/12/14 The message is, has been and will always be that of TRUE LOVE! It is a wonderful pleasure to be able to connect with you my […]

Love and the flower of life by the Mother of Mothers

Basking in the light and the warmth of my soul I humbly and lovingly wish you all a Happy New Life! New energies, New self, New reality. Blessings be unto all my beautiful family. Thank you for the blessings brought upon us all by the existence of each and everyone of you. As my heart […]